Monday, September 15, 2014

Ta Prohm in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Angelina Jolie in Ta Prohm

My longing to visit the Angkor Wat temples intensified when my favorite Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie shoot Tomb Raider there.  According to Wikipedia 'Ta Prohm has been left in much the same condition in which it was found: the photogenic and atmospheric condition of trees growing out of the ruins and the jungle surroundings have made it one of Angkor's most popular temples with visitors.  UNESCO inscribed Ta Prohm on the World Heritage List in 1992.  And today, it is one of the most visited complexes in Cambodia's Angkor region'.  Truly indeed, I was amazed by the huge trees growing out of the ruins.  And even more awed by the famous tree where Angelina's picture was taken from.  The picture above was taken before the restoration.  When we went there, restoration was very evident and there were scaffolds in some ruins to prevent it from collapsing.  Enjoy my snaps!

The famous tree

With Khmer teenagers

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